Press the keystroke again, and the bullets are gone. Now, whenever you press the keystroke you chose in step 4, it is the same as clicking on the Bullets tool. Click on Cancel to close the Word Options dialog box.Click on Close to dismiss the Customize Keyboard dialog box.In the Categories box, press DOWN ARROW or UP ARROW to select the category. Press the TAB key repeatedly until Customize is selected at the bottom of the dialog box, and then press ENTER. Press DOWN ARROW to select Customize Ribbon. Press ALT+F, T to open the Word Options dialog box. The Customize Keyboard dialog box with the previous steps applied. Use just the keyboard to assign or remove a keyboard shortcut. Alt+B is a good choice, since it is not in use on a default Word system. Press the keystroke you want to use to apply bullets.Click in the Press New Shortcut Key box.(You'll need to scroll down quite a ways.) In the Commands list, choose FormatBulletDefault.In the Categories list, choose All Commands.Word displays the Customize Keyboard dialog box. Click the Customize button, near the bottom-left of the dialog box.At the left side of the dialog box click Customize (Word 2007) or Customize Ribbon (later versions of Word).In Word 2010 or a later version, display the File tab of the ribbon and then click Options.) (In Word 2007 click the Office button and then click Word Options. If you want to have that same functionality from the keyboard, you must customize your keyboard. While these may work for what you want done, they don't take the same approach to formatting as the Bullets tool on the Home tab of the ribbon. CTRL and F: Displays the Find dialog box, to search the current. Keep in mind there are many more shortcuts available on the. CTRL and D: Displays the Font dialogue box. Listed below are the most essential keyboard shortcuts for Microsoft Word 2013 and above.
CTRL and C: Copies the item or text to the Clipboard and can be pasted using CTRL and V. To remove bullets, you could also use the Ctrl+Shift+N shortcut, which applies the Normal style. Keyboard Shortcut: Result in Microsoft Word: CTRL and A: Selects all in the current document. If you press Ctrl+Shift+L, Word is supposed to automatically apply the predefined List Bullet style to your paragraph.
There are numerous other benefits to using styles, but most of those have been covered in other WordTips.Ĭlosely related to this approach are two built-in shortcuts provided by Word. The first is to use styles and define keystrokes that apply your styles. If you are bound and determined to use the keyboard to apply (and remove) bullets, there are a couple of things you can look at. Unfortunately, there is no just-as-easy way to do the same thing using the keyboard. Word includes a handy-dandy tool (available on the Home tab of the ribbon, in the Paragraph group) that allows you to add bullets to a paragraph in a jiffy and just as easily remove them.